Monday, March 29, 2010

dresses and tights...

So Miss Priss has decided that the ONLY thing that she is happy wearing every single day is dresses and tights. The problem with this is that we only have so many dresses, some of them are more dressy and not suitable for every day wear, and a few of the other everyday dresses we own, she has decided she does not like for some crazy reason. That really narrows our selection.

The other problem is that this week the weather is finally becoming Spring-like and beautiful, which really doesn't work well with tights (which she totally does not understand and thinks that I am just crazy). Well now with the change of season, the few dresses that she wanted to wear nonstop are too hot, so I am on a mission this week to add a few more spring everyday dresses to our arsenal. Picking outfits every morning (or the night before) has become increasingly unpleasant when we don't have a dress that is acceptable and **GASP** she need to wear something else like a T-shirt and jeans (jeans also becoming highly unacceptable to her, she prefers leggings, thankyouverymuch!)

WHAT THE HECK?!?!? SHE'S ONLY 3 GOING ON 4!! Wow, I've got some interesting years ahead of me... Lord help us!


  1. OH MY GOSH!! that totally makes me want to go out & find her a dress!!!

  2. I foresee a future of "I have nothing to wear" convos with her while staring at an overstuffed closet. Perhaps she'll be a fashion designer?
