Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Well I'm back to playing nursemaid over here. The little girls caught a cold, it started with Little Miss and what I thought was teething (will this child ever get a tooth?) but turns out might be a cold. Miss Priss jumped on the bandwagon and decided to add to the snot bucket and she threw a little puke in for good measure. uuuuugggggghhhhh...

Little Miss is so tired of me wiping and sucking boogies out of her nose, but the poor thing can't breathe and she cries in her bed between coughs and snorts and hacks, good times over here I tell ya!

I hope things are better today, staying in the house this much isn't good for us (me). We need some fresh air before things freeze over later this week!

J had a GREAT birthday this past weekend and he's super excited about our date to the Mavs game this weekend.

I've got several travel projects on deck... trying to plan a getaway for Spring Break, we must drive since the planes will be waaay to full for us to nonrev, and I'm too cheap to buy a ticket! I'd love some suggestions, i'm kind of stuck. Also, I need to plan a trip for J and I to celebrate our anniversary in May - thinking probably Napa/Sonoma and then maybe Carmel? OR Tahoe, OR Redwood National Forest in northern CA, we've always wanted to see that - so basically we're going west! Then, I need to figure out what we're doing for summer vacation, I know we're spending a few days visiting mom and going to Schlitterbahn in San Marcos, probably July. We have some vacation days (5 weeks!!) to burn so we definitely need to make the most of it!!

Okay, gotta get the day going, hopefully these babies are feeling good and I don't catch the bug!

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