It is 16 degrees outside right now as i'm writing this!! CRAZY! Weather like this pretty much means we're not leaving the house. Toting around a wayward toddler and squirmy baby with mounds of puffy coats getting squished into carseats while I"m frrrrreeezzzing my rear off sounds like NO FUN to me!
I REALLY wanted to get out of the house and go to IKEA today. I have a monster list of things I've been compiling that needs to be purchased from there (plus maybe a hotdog and cinnamon roll too while i'm at it... just sayin'). I'm decorating our Master bedroom since we got new king mattresses (YAY!!!) and I need a little bit of everything to pull it together, duvet, shams, dust ruffle, rugs, accessories, artwork, a new dresser, night tables.... yeah, basically our bedroom looks like we're in college, mattress in the middle of the room, and that's about it. It will look awesome once i'm done with it, whenever that is. The poor preteen still hasn't had her room finished and it's been a while now. I will finish decorating this house one day... work in progress.
Well that decorating won't be happening today as we're on lockdown in our warm house. I thank God for our warm house, warm jammies, steaming hot coffee, endless toys in the closet and Dora on the DVR, and for the internets, my lifeline to the outside world...oh how I love thee.
Maybe I should get some cleaning/organizing done...or not.
We had a bit of a scare with J this week and thought something scary was showing up on a head MRI. He had to do another CT scan, and I can only thank God that it was absolutely nothing and am so grateful for everyone's prayers this week! WHAT A RELIEF!!!
As you can probably imagine, J and I are in need of a MAJOR vacation!! We're getting ready to plan a nice getaway soon, lots of ideas, but hopefully someplace that's warmer than Dallas (never thought i'd say that!)
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